Thank you for supporting us. Your generous gifts fund our efforts to improve the lives of very many in need. We pledge that 90% of our funds go directly to the projects we work on. The Trust is in the process of becoming a registered charity and your donation will be eligible for Gift Aid, representing an added 20% to your donation. 

To make an online donation, please click the Donate button below:


To donate to a specific project, select one of the options below:

HIV Support

HIV Support

Mobile Clinic

Mobile Clinic

Village Health

Village Health


Alternatively, you can send a cheque - made payable to The Angus McDonald Trust - to New Rent Cottage, Hutton in the Forest, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 9TJ, UK


For those in Australia wishing to make donations, you can direct debit this account: 

Bank: Macquarie Bank Limited
BSB: 182-512
Account Name:  Kenneth McDonald & Gillian Fay McDonald Account A.
Account number: 9622 84998